Rette die Menschenaffen und ihre Lebensräume


Hope4Apes 2010

We CAN help our nearest relatives survive.
But we need to act now!

Q: How do I book my tickets?
A: You can book your tickets online by going to this page on the ticketmaster® website.

Q: Why are some tickets £100?
A: VIP tickets are £100, this ticket includes a drinks reception with the speakers and other celebrity guests. VIP tickets are limited, so please book as soon as possible!


Q: What is the booking fee?
A: Ticketmaster® process the online booking of the tickets for the Lyceum Theatre. For more details on what the booking fee covers, visit the ticketmaster® website here.


Q: How much are the standard event tickets?
A: Tickets cost £25 and £34 (plus the booking fee) depending on where in the theatre you choose to sit.


Q: How do I make a donation?
A: If you would like to make a donation to the work of the Ape Alliance, go to this page.


Q: What time should I get there?
A: If you have tickets for the VIP reception, then be there for 5.30, as the reception is from 5.30 till 6.30pm. If you have standard tickets, the main event starts at 7pm, so arrive in plenty of time to find your seat.


Q: What time does the event finish?
A: The event is scheduled to finish at 10.30pm with a further 10 minutes for final bids on the silent auction.

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